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States Where Sodomy is Illegal

More at Mother Jones.


Orlando Named Smuttiest City

This article in Men’s Health lists the smuttiest cities:

Most porn films may be shot in the L.A. area, but their biggest audience is  in Orlando. We know what you’re thinking: How can the home of G-rated theme  parks be skin-flick central? It seems that while tourists line up at a  kid-friendly fantasy world, the locals prefer one in which Snow White and the  dwarfs whistle while they… well, you know.
We peered through a  statistical peephole to tabulate the following criteria: the number of DVDs  purchased, rented, or streamed (AdultDVDEmpire.com); adult entertainment stores  per city (StorErotica.net); rate of porn searches (Google Insights); and, for  fans of soft-core, percentage of Cinemax-subscribing households (SimplyMap). Not  only were Orlando folks the randiest residents, but Florida was also the most  salacious state.
Love to  Look
1. Orlando,  FL

2. Las Vegas, NV

3. Wilmington,  DE

4. Raleigh, NC

5. Charlotte,  NC

6. Minneapolis, MN

7. Atlanta,  GA

8. Tampa, FL

9. Anchorage,  AK

10. Austin, TX

11. Boise, ID

12. Miami,  FL

13. Houston, TX

14. Columbia,  SC

15. Dallas, TX

16. Portland,  OR

17. San Diego, CA

18. Cleveland,  OH

19. Sacramento, CA

20. Baltimore,  MD

21. Providence, RI

22. Durham,  NC

23. San Francisco, CA

24. Wichita,  KS

25. Columbus, OH

26. Plano,  TX

27. Manchester, NH

28. Jersey City,  NJ

29. St. Paul, MN

30. Madison, WI

31. Cheyenne, WY

32. Denver,  CO

33. Chicago, IL

34. Philadelphia,  PA

35. Rochester, NY

36. Tucson,  AZ

37. Reno, NV

38. Riverside,  CA

39. Bakersfield, CA

40. New Orleans,  LA

41. Omaha, NE

42. Seattle,  WA

43. Milwaukee, WI

44. Greensboro,  NC

45. Fort Worth, TX

46. Oklahoma City,  OK

47. Pittsburgh, PA

48. Colorado  Springs, CO

49. Nashville, TN

50.  Phoenix, AZ

51. Honolulu, HI

52. Jacksonville,  FL

53. Anaheim, CA

54. Tulsa,  OK

55. Aurora, CO

56. Lexington,  KY

57. Bridgeport, CT

58. Buffalo,  NY

59. Portland, ME

60. St. Petersburg,  FL

61. San Jose, CA

62. Billings,  MT

63. Virginia Beach, VA

64.  Albuquerque, NM

65. St. Louis, MO

66.  Kansas City, MO

67. Fresno, CA

68. Sioux  Falls, SD

69. Los Angeles, CA

70.  Louisville, KY

71. Salt Lake City, UT

72. Stockton,  CA

73. San Antonio, TX

74. Little Rock,  AR

75. Memphis, TN

76. New York,  NY

77. Corpus Christi, TX

78.  Indianapolis, IN

79. Oakland, CA

80.  Washington, DC

81. Cincinnati, OH

82. Birmingham,  AL

83. Boston, MA

84. Burlington,  VT

85. Des Moines, IA

86. Detroit,  MI

87. Fort Wayne, IN

88. Chesapeake,  VA

89. Newark, NJ

90. El Paso,  TX

Avert Their  Eyes

91. Norfolk,  VA

92. Fargo, ND

93. Lincoln,  NE

94. Toledo, OH

95. Laredo,  TX

96. Lubbock, TX

97. Charleston,  WV

98. Winston-Salem, NC

99. Baton  Rouge, LA

100. Jackson, MS

Access Denied

Thanks to high-speed Internet, a pornucopia of X-rated flicks is a few clicks  away—unless your city is listed here with an asterisk. These places fall into  Adult DVD Empire’s no-stream category, a restriction companies put in place to  avoid being charged with violating community standards. But these standards were  meant for mail-order porn, says obscenity law attorney Jeffrey J. Douglas, and  shouldn’t apply online. Petition your politicians to stop the Net-nannying.


Kids’ peeking at Dad’s porn stash is so last century. In a U.K. survey, one  in four boys (and one in five girls) reported viewing adult-only sites on their  phones. Shield your child’s eyes with the Mobicip Safe Browser app (mobicip.com, $5, Android or iOS). It uses age-based  filtering to block sites and is recommended by the Parents’ Choice  Foundation.

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Sex, Love and Robots

I came across this article on sex and relationships with simulated humans:

It’s hard to think of a more attention-grabbing title than “Robots, Men, and Sex Tourism”—especially in the academic world.

Written by researchers from New Zealand’s University of Wellington and published recently in the journal Futures, the paper predicts that in the decades to come, humans will patronize robot-staffed brothels, freeing them from the guilt associated with visiting a flesh-and-blood prostitute. Perhaps predictably, it sparked a lively conversation about whether the sex industry could be automated—and not a little squeamishness about the whole idea of robot-human relations.

That at least some of us will be having sexual intercourse with robots in the future should be obvious by now. Somebody out there will make love to just about any consumer good that enters the home (and if that’s not the first rule of product design, it should be).

But will our robot-human relations be relegated to the bedroom, or will love enter the equation, too? Is our society headed in a direction that will support this transition? Looking at current trends, I’d say that the answer is a resounding yes.

For most, contemplating the prospect of robot sex is immediately distasteful. The mind conjures up alchemists’ combinations of rubber and silicone and, I don’t know, hair follicles. It is hard to dismiss that slack-jawed, shark-eyed stare of love dolls, their pale arms covered by gummy, petroleum-product skin.

But those aren’t the siren love robots of the future. Realistic skin, the ability to make eye contact, faux breathing (to avoid that “walking human corpse” feel), convincing conversational skills, dexterous manipulation of objects, and the ability to not walk through sliding glass doors—we can assume that these things will be attainable within the next few decades. Consider the PR2 “personal” robot from Willow Garage; with an open-source brain located in a Google cloud, this machine can already navigate a home environment to fetch beers, load a dishwasher, and precisely fold laundry.

In 2007’s Love and Sex With Robots, Dr. David Levy claimed we humans—that’s men and women, so you’re not off the hook, ladies—will become smitten with new breeds of advanced humanoid robots due to arrive within the next half-century.

Many of our social interactions have been reduced to the barebones transfer of information via various online media: text messages, emails, shared videos and pictures, status updates, and, uh, pokes. We routinely create online profiles that distill our lives to a list of data points—much in the way that a role-playing game stat sheet boils down your complex and multi-faceted elvish archer to only his intelligence, dexterity, and charisma. For people who have been raised on text-based interactions, just speaking on the telephone can be high bandwidth to the point of anxiety.

The complicated, ambiguous milieu of human contact is being replaced with simple, scalable equations. We maintain thousands more friends than any human being in history, but at the cost of complexity and depth. Every minute spent online is a minute of face-to-face time lost. For better or worse, new modes of interaction are steadily eroding the more “traditional” forms of interaction familiar to older generations. New streamlined interactions between human beings may open the door for machines to join us as social peers and not just sex objects.

Another side effect of these new modes of interaction is simply the ability to turn them off. Don’t like what someone wrote? Don’t respond. Tired of somebody? Stop following them. Push the ignore button. Delete, ban, or go invisible. Instant gratification has infiltrated our interpersonal relationships, and in our online interactions, we each have the ultimate power to silence one another.

It’s harder to get away with that kind of behavior in face-to-face interactions with real human beings. However, a robot could easily bring those online social mores into the real world by allowing human users to ignore, ban, or even delete them.

Looking ahead, future generations may learn their social skills from robots in the first place. The cute yellow Keepon robot from Carnegie Mellon University has shown the ability to facilitate social interactions with autistic children. Morphy at the University of Washington happily teaches gestures to children by demonstration. With infinite patience and zero judgment, new classes of social robot are in development to offer the ultimate low-risk social tutor to human beings. If you’re raised (at least in part) by a machine, falling in love with one might not seem so bizarre.

In the end, perhaps it will be the true romantics, not the nerds, who choose to flee from a world of impersonal, digitized relationships and into the arms of simulacrums with manners imported from simpler times.


I want to thank everyone for reading my stupid blogs

Thank everyone for taking the time to read , all I ever really cared about was the safety of submissives and slave..

It has come to my attention that my blogs are no longer welcome here, so it is time to say good by.

Everyone take care and be safe.


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Is Incest Wrong?

I used to teach philosophy, and one of my specializations was ethics. I came across this article, which I bascially agree with, on incest:

In my time teaching students about making choices, especially moral ones, based on sound reasoning and evidence, we often range into areas many have not thoroughly considered. After all, everything deserves scrutiny if we are to be fairly sure an idea (or belief) is worth pursuing, defending and so on. If this idea is worth our support, it will pass tests of reasonable scrutiny; if it does not, it either means we must strengthen the idea by addressing its failings or discard it altogether. For example, there is no good reason to justify the oppression of gay people or women – though there are plenty of reasons people do. Thus because there are no good arguments to support oppressing gay people, the idea should be discarded and indeed opposed where it arises. In an effort to battle bad ideas, we should scrutinise (or at least be willing to scrutinise) every view, belief and idea we have.

Nothing is sacred in my class (indeed, we’ve debated the merits of sanctity itself). We engage with questions that focus on real-life matters, which tend to evoke knee-jerk reactions of dismissal and/or disgust.

With this in mind, my students asked whether incest or necrophilia is wrong. Since in many countries, both of these are automatically crimes, I think it’s important to consider what arguments there are for considering these as automatically wrong. However, just because something is right or wrong does not mean that the law follows suit. Something can be legal and be wrong by a moral standard, and vice versa. Here we are mainly considering the morality of these two supposedly taboo types of sexual conduct. Are they, by definition, wrong?


In Britain recently, a young lady was ‘caught’ having sex with her brother. Both siblings have blamed the other, citing alcohol, desperation and so, on as motivations. This is not of concern. What is of concern is that “the pair were convicted of committing incest under section 1(1) of the Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995”. The brother is 21, while his sister is 18. Now, according to the law, they should be convicted.

However, laws are not perfect. What should matter to us, firstly, is whether they’ve done something wrong.

Often when people hear incest, they assume rape or paedophilia, too. But here it’s clear that neither rape nor paedophilia are the problem in the recent case, since both siblings are adults and both consented – in the same way any other drunken couple implicitly consent, since neither partner was forced into it.

Assume they were not brother and sister; is the sex act wrong? Given the implicit consent and their ages, it’s not clear that this would be any different than other sexual engagements where, after the fact, one or both (or all three) regret the act. However, neither one feels the other was violated in the sense of calling it rape. So that’s not the issue.

Notice, though, that even if one of these two was violated – whether because s/he was too young or raped – then it would be the violation through rape or paedophilia that made it wrong, not the fact that they’re brother and sister.

So, we’re clear that what makes this wrong is solely the fact that it’s incest – that is, the fact that they’re brother and sister. But why does this make it wrong?

This seems entirely based on mere repulsion. To try articulate why incest should be viewed as inherently wrong is difficult and there’s no clear argument. Here are a few arguments that my students and others have offered.

Firstly, the old, tired argument that “It’s not natural”. This argument must, like cancers and earthquakes, disappear from our planet. Cancers and earthquakes, by the way, are also natural. The philosopher Julian Baggini has correctly said that something being natural tells us no more about its moral property than if you said something was red. Good and bad things are natural, so not everything that is natural is good (or bad). (Considering that humans are part of the natural world, I see no reason for the distinction in most instances anyway. ‘Natural’ is not part of my vocabulary, since it seems largely useless.)

Secondly, people claim that incest creates ‘deformed’ children. This is not entirely true. There is a greater risk of various handicaps, true, due to a closer sharing of genetics. But there is a danger in every form of child creation that the child might be handicapped. There might be a difference in degree of risk in incestuous sex acts but certainly not in kind. And, similarly, if we continued with this logic, it seems that any person who has an increased risk of having children with disabilities ought not to reproduce (or should be condemned). The fact that we don’t condemn or restrict people with a verified increased risk of producing disabled children indicates that even this reason isn’t solid.

So, this view doesn’t work either. Furthermore, this assumes sex acts are solely for having children, whereas this is nonsense, since we have effective contraceptives and other measures to prevent pregnancy.

Thirdly, and oddly, people exclaim it’s “just” repugnant. We will examine this more closer later. Nonetheless, why should the sexual activities of two consenting adults concern us? This is the same question we can ask those who are ‘against’ homosexuality (which is like being against having blue eyes). It is none of our business what two consenting adults wish to do (as long as no one else is harmed/involved without consent).

Repugnance helped many things we now consider wrong to continue in the past, such racial and sexual inequality. We can’t rely on repugnance to justify our social policies, since our repugnance is simply that: our own. Besides which, people are repulsed by different things – and we cannot leave it up to the whims of our emotions to implement policies and laws which could, unnecessarily, cause suffering to other people, as is the case with gay people, women, and indeed the current brother-and-sister couple.

So these arguments fail. But if these arguments are sound, then this has a further implication.

What makes the case unfortunate is the young lady in question has been attacked and threatened by members of the public. Because of her ‘disgusting’ acts, she has been forced to flee her home. This seems to me unjustified. Violence is almost never the right response. Furthermore, as the arguments above have indicated, it’s not entirely clear what makes incest wrong when we are dealing with consenting adults. If we agree that consenting adults are allowed to have sex, then what makes these two people different, besides sharing parents? Why should sharing genetics make it a crime – or rather, something so monstrous that this young lady deserves to be treated like a diseased monster?

In considering this case, we are not encouraging incest, nor do we have to say we ‘like’ it. We don’t even have to say it is good or right. However, incestuous acts certainly need not be worth condemning a young lady over, nor does she deserve to be treated like someone requiring therapy. There is little justification for thinking she’s done something wrong.

What’s occurring here is inflating outrage – I don’t think there is such a thing as “moral” outrage – and personal disgust at an act, which has not harmed anybody else, to the point of having a lady’s life threatened for no good reason. Whatever the political situation, if we respect an adult’s right to engage freely in sexual acts with other consenting adults, it’s not clear why we draw a line based on genetics.

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Plus Sized College Student Claims Discrimination

self-described “plus sized” college student who was told she was “obviously pregnant” and “not pretty enough” to dance on a platform in a bar in Iowa is claiming she was discriminated against by the bar’s bouncers.

Jordan Ramos, a 21-year-old University of Iowa student said she went to         Union Bar in Iowa City, Iowa with her friends on March 3. She said she tried to get onto a platform where several of her friends were dancing, but was stopped by the bouncer, who said they were at capacity.

Ramos said she waited until a few girls left, and again tried to go up. She was stopped again, which she said prompted her to ask, “What is the difference between the other girls up there and myself?”

“There was only one difference: I am a plus-sized individual. The bouncer said ‘Look, you will never get up on this platform. Go back to the dance floor where you belong,'” Ramos told ABC News.

Ramos said a friend of hers tried to talk to the manager, but he refused to talk to her. The manager told them to leave, Ramos said. She sent the manager an email, which she says was never answered.

A social work professor at the University of Iowa told Ramos to return to the bar.

“She told my friends and I to go back and see if the same thing happens and to try to get them to say aloud ‘I am not allowing you up because of your size,'” Ramos said.

On April 14, Ramos returned to the Union Bar with a group of friends. Ramos’ friends, who she said are all thin, were able to get up on the platform easily. But Ramos was blocked from entering, she said.

Ramos asked the bouncer repeatedly why she could not dance on the platform.

“He said, ‘You’re not pretty enough and you’re pregnant.’ I said, ‘I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that I am not pregnant.’ He then looked at my stomach and said, ‘You obviously are.’ They knew I was not pregnant; it was there way of calling me fat without having to actually say it,” Ramos said.

Ramos approached the Human Rights Commission in Iowa City, but the organization told her they could not do an investigation because size discrimination is not illegal by law, Ramos said.

Union Bar did not immediately return a call for comment from ABC News.

Plus Sized College Student Claims Discrimination at Bar


To all Slave and Submissives

I am on who is short and to the point, and I only have one question. What the fuck are you doing ? Now we all know when meeting someone one new, the whole meeting things is all about safety or I thought is was.

I know sometimes we just do not think, we fail to look at the whole picture, maybe a brain cramp, brain freeze, or it just never crossed your mind.

Today the internet is an awesome tool for meeting people. It has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. It makes it easier to be who we really are, we seem to open up a bit more, express our needs and wants more.

So you meet someone on a social site, can be very vanilla like Eharmony  , ALT.com. You chat for a while you kinda like the one your chatting with. Now comes the big step . Lets email. NOT.

Now most do not think about this you have just giving me your email addy. You know what I have most of your life in my hands.

Okay now I have your Facebook , I now have your twitter, and if people still use myspace. I know where you work, what state, city, and or town.

I can put in your email address hit search, then images guess what ? Yup am I going to find nudes, pictures of your kids , family.

Please pick a email, do not use it for anything else, only people you wish to make contact with, never give out your last name.

This am a slave contacted me, yup I have her email. She lives maybe 30 minutes from me, really smoking hot mean wow..

So I am on facebook I copy her email paste and guess what. She is married, she does live where she say she does. Her hubby is in the army stationed in NY, has two kids, I know where she works because that was posted. I found her twitter, yup shes a hoe. I bet hubby does not know,

Am I going to see her ? Nope I have no interest in wrecking a family , let the bitch do it herself, let her take the fall, the blame. Fucking shame on her.

Ladies are you serious ? Come on , Think.


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The Munch Last Night

You know I am not one to blow my cool, in fact I cannot remember the last time I blew my top,  and I am not one to make a scene.

I have not gotten out much due to a car accident I was in last June, but the last couple of months I have felt like going out. So 4pm Friday a friend of mine called and ask if I would take her, it was her first munch, she is not really learning, just interested.

We went to get our food, and sat down, an old friend wanted to talk to me, so we stepped outside, we spoke maybe 20 minutes, walked back in, and I am going to say this guy is sitting in my chair, I am like can I help you, the guy said, I call him a guy , because he surely cannot be a dominant or master, he tells me he gave her his number and email, she is new to the lifestyle and maybe he could help.

I am like dude are you serious are your real ? Well we had a few choice words, and he sat back down. We are eating and she tells me he is making hr nervous he keeps starring at her, okay wow.

So I get up and sit next to the guy, and we talk, the rest of the people are somewhat comfortable I can tell. I get up and say you know what not only are you a dumb ass not only are you stupid, and no your not going to get to fuck her, I am not going to get to fuck her, because hes a lesbian you fucking retard.

Unreal fucking unreal, Thinking with his dick.  I replied back to someone else a while ago He made a comment about protocol.

If you cannot lead, if you cannot teach, if you cannot respect others , if you cannot think with anything besides your dick. How can you seriously stand up and introduce yourself as a master ?


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One feedee discusses feederism:

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The Dali Lama has a Penis

Recently, The Dali Lama gave an interview in which he said he found women attractive. Over at PsychCentral, there’s an interesting response to the media’s shock that The Dali Lama made such a confession:

I confess I find articles like this both vexing and laugh-out-loud funny.  The article is a summary of Piers Morgan’s exclusive interview with the Dali Lama.

The interview itself is fairly wide-ranging, but apparently the most shocking and surprising thing for the editors of CNN.com is that the Dali Lama (and perhaps, gentle reader,  you should sit down for this)…

…finds women attractive!

(The headline, as of this writing, is “Dali Lama Interview: Women alluring?  “Yes.” I can just imagine the shock in the press room. “STOP THE PRESSES BOYS! WE GOT US AN EXCLUSIVE. Women are attractive? Well, Damn! Whooda thunk it?!? Thank heavens the Dali Lama pointed that out for us.”)

Why is it surprising to people that religious people in general, and celibates in particular, experience sexual attraction?  In Buddhism, bramachariya is the practice of monastic abstinence from sex.  It is done, not out of a hatred for sex or sexuality, but because there are certain things even more desirable than sexual union.

For the Buddhist, that thing which is more desirable is enlightenment.  Simply put, Buddhism teaches that sexual intercourse makes it difficult to quiet the mind and to pursue the detachment that is necessary for true enlightment.

Likewise, for the Catholic priest or religious sisters or brothers, celibacy is not a condemnation of sex.  It is a positive witness to the world of two things.  First, celibacy points to the Eternal Wedding Feast that is Heaven.  The celibate person is a reminder to the world that there are delights beyond that of the body and those delights are so profound, they are worth making sacrifices to attain.

Secondly, the celibate is free to serve the whole world wherever and whenever he or she is needed in ways that a married person simply cannot do.  That doesn’t make the priesthood or religious life better than marriage.  It just makes it more versitile.

Regardless, no person takes on celibacy because they don’t have a sexuality. Every human person is sexual.  Even religious persons.  Even religious persons committed to a life of holiness and service. The celibate person still experiences attraction to others.  But the celibate learns to channel that generative energy into those activities that lead to, well, holiness and service. (For a wonderful reflection on the positive understanding of sexuality and heaven that celibacy points to, check out this article–Is There Sex In Heaven– by Boston College professor Peter Kreeft)

Obviously, celibacy calls for incredible self-discipline, but that’s the point.  Some things are worth waiting for.   In their own ways, albeit to somewhat different ends, Buddhist monks and nuns, and Catholic priests, brothers and nuns all exist to remind the world that there are deeper mysteries that we are all called to encounter in our own way and those mysteries are worth making sacrifices for.

Which brings us back to why I always chuckle when I see articles like the one from CNN that inspired this post.  The surprising thing isn’t that the Dali Lama experiences sexual arousal from time to time–he is a human being after all.  The truly surprising is that unlike most of the rest of us, he is able–like all healthy celibates of any faith–to view sexual energy as a catalyst for transcendence instead of viewing it as a pressure that must be released.

As Pope Benedict XVI wrote in his encyclical, Deus Caritas Est (“God is love”), properly understood, “Eros tends to rise ‘in ecstasy’ towards the Divine, to lead us beyond ourselves; yet for this very reason it calls for a path of ascent, renunciation, purification and healing.”

The celibate doesn’t renounce sex.  He or she announces that by harnessing the sexual impulse, a deeper mystical, and even nuptial union with both the Divine and all of humanity is not only desirable, but possible.

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“Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay”

There’s an interesting article at the New York Times on some sexuality studies indicating that homophobic people often have same-sex desires.

WHY are political and religious figures who campaign against gay rights so often implicated in sexual encounters with same-sex partners?

In recent years, Ted Haggard, an evangelical leader who preached that homosexuality was a sin, resigned after a scandal involving a former male prostitute; Larry Craig, a United States senator who opposed including sexual orientation in hate-crime legislation, was arrested on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men’s bathroom; and Glenn Murphy Jr., a leader of the Young Republican National Convention and an opponent of same-sex marriage, pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after being accused of sexually assaulting another man.

One theory is that homosexual urges, when repressed out of shame or fear, can be expressed as homophobia. Freud famously called this process a “reaction formation” — the angry battle against the outward symbol of feelings that are inwardly being stifled. Even Mr. Haggard seemed to endorse this idea when, apologizing after his scandal for his anti-gay rhetoric, he said, “I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war.”

It’s a compelling theory — and now there is scientific reason to believe it. In this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we and our fellow researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire.

Our paper describes six studies conducted in the United States and Germany involving 784 university students. Participants rated their sexual orientation on a 10-point scale, ranging from gay to straight. Then they took a computer-administered test designed to measure their implicit sexual orientation. In the test, the participants were shown images and words indicative of hetero- and homosexuality (pictures of same-sex and straight couples, words like “homosexual” and “gay”) and were asked to sort them into the appropriate category, gay or straight, as quickly as possible. The computer measured their reaction times.

The twist was that before each word and image appeared, the word “me” or “other” was flashed on the screen for 35 milliseconds — long enough for participants to subliminally process the word but short enough that they could not consciously see it. The theory here, known as semantic association, is that when “me” precedes words or images that reflect your sexual orientation (for example, heterosexual images for a straight person), you will sort these images into the correct category faster than when “me” precedes words or images that are incongruent with your sexual orientation (for example, homosexual images for a straight person). This technique, adapted from similar tests used to assess attitudes like subconscious racial bias, reliably distinguishes between self-identified straight individuals and those who self-identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.

Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of participants who, despite self-identifying as highly straight, indicated some level of same-sex attraction (that is, they associated “me” with gay-related words and pictures faster than they associated “me” with straight-related words and pictures). Over 20 percent of self-described highly straight individuals showed this discrepancy.

Notably, these “discrepant” individuals were also significantly more likely than other participants to favor anti-gay policies; to be willing to assign significantly harsher punishments to perpetrators of petty crimes if they were presumed to be homosexual; and to express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects (also measured with the help of subliminal priming). Thus our research suggests that some who oppose homosexuality do tacitly harbor same-sex attraction.

What leads to this repression? We found that participants who reported having supportive and accepting parents were more in touch with their implicit sexual orientation and less susceptible to homophobia. Individuals whose sexual identity was at odds with their implicit sexual attraction were much more frequently raised by parents perceived to be controlling, less accepting and more prejudiced against homosexuals.

It’s important to stress the obvious: Not all those who campaign against gay men and lesbians secretly feel same-sex attractions. But at least some who oppose homosexuality are likely to be individuals struggling against parts of themselves, having themselves been victims of oppression and lack of acceptance. The costs are great, not only for the targets of anti-gay efforts but also often for the perpetrators. We would do well to remember that all involved deserve our compassion.

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A Different Kind of Pinup

Rugby player Sacha Harding recently stripped for a calandar to raise money for HIV.

Harding recently bared all, posing for the cover of Britain’s Gay Times magazine as part of a fund-raiser for the Elton John AIDS Foundation. He was one of 54 men who went full monty for the magazine’s annual Naked Issue, and his photo was auctioned off to raise even more money for the charity. The straight athlete (he says his girlfriend loved the images) didn’t think twice about posing nude for a gay magazine. “I’m comfortable with my sexuality and felt confident that what I did would in some way help the cause,” he says.

That’s because HIV and AIDS aren’t gay issues, he adds, but a global crisis that belongs to all of us. “AIDS is a huge issue and one that can’t be ignored,” he says. “I was asked to help and I couldn’t say no.” And while he took some ribbing from his fellow teammates for dropping trou, he says, “Of course there was a bit of banter. On the whole, the team and friends were all very supportive.”

Read more at The Advocate.

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Pussy Rings

Musician Grimes just released pictures of her new jewlery line featuring rings in the shape of vulvas.

Read more at Bust.


Positional Protocol Training

A week or so ago I went over a few slave positions. I have been reading up on the Gorean lifestyle and there protocol. The protocol is something that is all but gone in our community, I know I keep bringing that up, but it just irks me to no end.

In the Gorean Lifestyle slave positions are used as part of the slaves training. Also as part of the protocol when entering a room, or in service, or even waiting, to putting on there leash.

It really amazes me , when you look at the difference between the submissive , the slave in the BDSM lifestyle.

Would I want to be Gorean, I do not think so, some of there Ideas I agree with and some I don’t. I do believe these positions good be used as a good training tool.

Nadu or Kneeling PositionThis is the most basic of all the positions. This is the position a slave is in most of the time. The slave kneels before her Master, her head held high, eyes downcast, knees spread wide open, shoulders back keeping her back straight (or arched slightly), breasts thrust outward. Her hands lie on her thighs, palms facing upward.  Some may like for the ankles to be crossed. 

There is a variation where the slave only spreads her thighs when directly in front of her Master.  If he should move away from her, she should turn in his direction keeping her body facing him, but close her thighs (the Tower Slave Position) until he is once again in directly in front of her.

Variations of hand positions also exist, including palms facing downward, palms upwards or facing outwards, fingers spread wide apart, crossing the wrists with the hands resting in the lap, wrists crossed behind the back, and fingers interlaced behind the neck.

Tower Slave or Kneeling Modestly PositionThis is a variation of the kneeling (nadu) position in which the slave kneels in the same way, but with her knees pulled together. The slave’s hands typically rest on her thighs facing downward, however any of the hand variations described in the nadu position could also be used.

Some may not consider this as a separate position from the kneeling position, only a variation of it based on whether the Master is directly in front of her at the time.

Sulu or Prone Position

In this position, a slave lays upon her back, her hands at her sides, palms upward, her legs widely spread, to await her Master’s pleasure.

Sulu-ki or Raised Prone Position

This position is almost identical to the sula position, except once she has assumed the sula position she slowly lifts her hips up off the floor, as if beckoning him with her body, encouraging her sexual use by him.

Leasha Or Leash PositionThis position is used to attach a leash. She kneels, her back to her Master, with her chin lifted and head turned to the left, offering her collar for leashing. Her wrists are behind her back, ready, if needed, to be snapped into slave bracelets.

In a variation on this position, the slave remains either standing or kneeling, depending upon the current position she is in, and then turns and puts her back to her Master, her chin up, her head turned to the left so a leash may be attached to her collar.

Bracelets PositionThis position is used to put on slave bracelets for chaining the slave.  She places her hands behind her back, her shoulders pushed back, her breasts thrust outward, and her hands clasped tightly behind her back and ready for bracelets to be placed on her.

In an alternative to this position, the slave stands gracefully before her Master, with her hips slightly turned to one side, her back and shoulders erect, her wrists crossed behind her back and her head turned to the left, in anticipation of having slave bracelets attached to her wrists.

Ko Lar or Collaring Position or Submit PositionThe slave kneels at the Master’s feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in submission.  This is particularly good in a collaring ceremony.

Hair Position

The slave stands, her feet flat on the floor, and bows gracefully at the waist, that her hair might fall forward for display, or to be shorn, seized, or used for any purpose that the Master desires.

Leading PositionThe slave stands and moves behind her Master, bending at the waist. She places her hands behind her and puts the side of her head to her Master’s hip, that he might lead her easily by the hair or collar while walking.
Kneeling to the Whip or Whipping PositionTurning and facing away from her Master, the slave first assumes the kneeling position (nadu), though with her arms crossed in front of her. With her crossed arms stretched out before her, she then leans forward and places her head to the floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be fully exposed to the whip.

An alternative for this position is for the slave to cross her arms across her chest and under her as she then lowers her head to the floor.  Variations as to space between the thighs and raising the backside up for an easier spanking position are also available.

Bara Position

In this position, the slave lays on her stomach, face down and turned to the left with her wrists crossed behind her back. Her ankles are crossed, as well, as if for binding.

Belly Position

In this position, the slave assumes a face down position, her head is turned to the left, arms are at her sides with the palms turned up, and her legs are parted widely.

A variation of this position has the slave with her palms pressed flat to the ground on either side of her head.

Obeisance PositionGiving obeisance to the Master is as much a series of moves as it is any single position.  In one common position of slave obeisance, the slave kneels (nadu) before her Master. The slave then bends forward and lowers her head to the floor, her arms outstretched, the palms of her hands pressed to the floor. 

In another variation, the slave lowers herself onto her belly on the floor. She then inches forward, remaining low on her belly, and upon reaching the Master’s feet, she licks and kisses them.  Afterwards she takes the Master’s foot and places it gently upon her head. She then lowers his foot again to the floor, and kisses it again. She then may inch backwards a bit, still on her belly.

In a variation, the slave goes to the floor, laying upon her stomach, face down before the Master. She turns her head and places her cheek against his feet, kissing them lightly in a gesture of love and submission.

Old Guard protocols place a whole style of service around what’s called “Boot Service”, so there is a considerable amount of variations on this theme.  This is a wonderful way for a slave to start service to her Master and to gain serious head space.

The Slaver’s Kiss or Usage Position

The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully in preparation for the caress of the leather whip against her body. 

A variation on this position has the slave fall to the floor upon all fours, and keeps her head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master.

A second variation has the slave put her head down with her hands clasped firmly behind her neck. 

She-Sleen Position

In this position, the slave falls to her hands and knees, her head down on the floor, her hindquarters thrust high for viewing and/or her Master’s pleasure.  Typically, this position is used for humility training, and the slave is made to do her duties using her teeth to hold things and without using her hands.  As she crawls around on all fours, she may also be used by her Master sexually.  She may also be made to eat from the floor or a bowl on the floor.

There are many more positions than what’s been described thus far.  Here are a few listed by category.  Name them as you like.

Attention Positions

  • The slave stands upright, legs spread moderately, hands clasped behind her back above her ass.

  • The slave stands upright, legs spread moderately, hands clasped behind her neck.

Spanking Positions

  • The slave lies over her Master’s lap, hands and feet on floor.

  • The slave lies over her Master’s lap, feet on floor with hands clasped behind neck.

  • The slave lies over her Master’s lap, her inside leg trapped between his legs, and her hands on floor.

  • The slave lies over her Master’s lap, her genitals against his.

  • The slave straddles her Master facing his feet, her hands on floor with her ass slightly raised in front of him.

Paddling Positions

  • The slave stands with her legs spread moderately, bent at waist, hands on her legs below her knees.

  • The slave stands with legs spread moderately, bent at waist, with her hands clasped behind her neck.

Crawling Positions

  • The slave goes to her hands and knees with her legs vertical and moderately spread. Her head is lowered in humility.

  • The slave goes to her knees and elbows with her arms stretched forward, her legs slightly spread, and her back arched.

  • The slave goes to her knees and elbows with her hands on her elbows, her legs slightly spread, and her back arched.

  • The slave goes to her knees and elbows with her hands pinching opposite nipples, her legs slightly spread, and her back arched.

  • The slave goes to her knees, leaning forward with her face and breasts on floor. Her hands reach back to grip her ankles.

Sexual Usage Positions

  • The slave lies on her back with her legs spread very wide and straight, and her hands clasped behind her head.

  • The slave lies on her back with her legs spread very wide and moderately bent, and her hands clasped behind her head.

  • The slave lies on her back with her legs spread very wide and completely bent and her feet against her ass.  Her hands are clasped behind her head.

  • The slave lies on her back with her legs spread very wide and moderately bent, and her hands holding her genitals spread open to view.

  • Very Interesting.

I truly believe this


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Why A Gorean Slave

I have just recently began doing research on the Gorean slaves. It is not the lifestyle that intrigues me as much as the protocol, which as really gone to crap as far as the BDSM lifestyle.

I was sitting outside yesterday sipping courvoisier congnac smoking a good cigar, and a munch came to mind I attended about a year ago in Daytona Beach. A small much of about 50, including a new couple.

The new couple was Gorean , the way his slave acted compared to the others was night and day. The up most respect. the way she was dressed, the way she spoke when spoken to. If someone else spoke to her she looked at her master for approval to speak.

It was a Chinese restaurant, the food really sucked, anyway she got up  when she returned, she tasted the food, added what spices were needed, I was in complete awe.

Now I am not saying I agree with everything the Gorean believes , but to each there own. As Dominants we have no right to judge anyone how there submissive or slave is trained.

Reading I do believe the Gorean lifestyle is more about service than sexual. Although I believe BDSM is the same. Today most think just because there in a session, they have to fuck in order to make it complete or to show there manhood. I myself prefer to session without sex most of the time.

I ran across this and found it to be very interesting, I would like some comments on the subject..

“Why would a girl *want* to become a Gorean slave?”
This question is really composed of several questions…or questions that must be answered on the way to answering the question. First is “Why would a girl want to become a slave?” Then, “Why would she want to become a Gorean slave?”
The first part is the hardest to understand. In our present culture, slavery or servitude is bad, and anyone who practices it is an evil exploiter of others. What is there about it that causes some women to wish to voluntarily give up their freedom to another? What do they gain from it?
Some women are by nature submissive. They wish to take the subordinate role. They want to do things for others. This gives them pleasure and fulfillment. They do not wish to make all the decisions for themselves. For some, it is looking for a parent they once had or never had. For others, it is the giving of themselves in service to another. Feeling needed and necessary is a part of it also. Those are the better reasons and emotions behind it. There are others that are not so positive. It can be a very low self-esteem. The person who feels that they can only be noticed when they are doing something for someone. Perhaps it is just the need for someone to tell them what to do and how to do it. Others can only find worth in themselves if others declare it as they can see none. There are women who feel so physically inferior they will do anything to get attention and notice from others, even things that are self-destructive. The BDSM world is full of these people. There are many more reasons than I can ever know, let alone list here. Suffice it to say that each person has their own reason or reasons for giving up their life to another person.
There are many people who are this way to some extent. Most of them would never wish to enslave themselves to another. So, what drives the few who do? It can be a combination and/or an excess of any of the items listed above. It might be a way for a girl to look for love who feels that she must do something extraordinary otherwise men will not be interested in her. Or, she could feel the burning desire to give of herself so totally that there is nothing left, it is all in another’s hands. Just as there are many types of reasons for doing this, there are several types of submission on the way to slavery and past the point of becoming a slave.
First, there are the submissives. They give up to a point, but always hold much back. They do as they are bid until something reaches one of their internal limits and then they stop being submissive. The submissive is not a slave. She is still her own person. Many of the Free Women of Gor could be said to be submissive, but they are certainly not slaves. Often, this is a stage people go through on the way to becoming a kajira.
The next group is those who call themselves slave, but are not full time slaves. This includes those who use slavery to bring some excitement into their sexual play. I would put the BDSM subs into this category. They are slave-like when it suites them and within their preset limits. They may also reverse the role and be Doms and Dommes when it suites them. Personally, I would say that any who do that are not slaves in any true sense of the word, except they play at being one on occasion.
Another type of the part time slaves are those who are slaves online. It does not matter what type of communications are used, web, IRC, ICQ, voice or video chat. With one branch of online slave, when the computer is turned off they mostly stop thinking about or being a slave. These are the players or gamers. People who seek diversion or excitement playing at being someone else. Sometimes, that someone is a slave. This can be a way of learning about slavery, or being Gorean. It can also just be a way to get a quick and safe sexual rush. How much the person is a slave when the computer is off varies from not at all to as much as possible. There are some online slaves who work hard at being a slave when the computer is off. The net is just a means of communicating with their Master. It is also usually how they found their Master. These people I would call slaves, even Gorean slaves for some of them.
Offline slaves come in several types. I will lump them together into Gorean slaves, BDSM slaves and other slaves. The other group is simply any who live a submitted lifestyle, acknowledging another person as their Master and does not fit into the first two groups. The BDSM slaves are much more committed subs. They may be into what is called TPE or Total Power Exchange. TPE is similar to Gorean slavery. The usual limits of BDSM may not be there, such as safe words and contracts. One of the main differences between TPE and Gorean slavery, is a cultural difference. Goreans are a culture as well as people interested in a philosophy. A Gorean slave is one who submits completely to a Master who considers themselves Gorean and who follows the philosophies and practices as well as the cultural trappings of our Earth version of Goreans. This is not the Gor of the books by John Norman. They are fiction. We cannot really live as the people do in the books. We must adapt what is there to what we can do here on Earth. Some people are able to live lives more like those in the books than others, but just because you cannot bring all things Gorean that are theoretically possible into your life does not make you not Gorean. You do the best you can with what you have and the Earth life you must lead. A subset of Gorean slaves is the kajira. Kajira is the Gorean word for slave girls. So in one sense, all Gorean slave girls are kajira. But in this instance, I am using it to mean a Gorean slave who has surrendered everything to her Master without reservation, without exception. They are their Master’s to do with as their Master wishes in all ways. Not everyone is capable to surrender to that level. Not everyone will agree with my distinction here. For many, submission and surrender are the same things. I see one as deeper than the other so that is the way I am using it here.
To some extent we have answered why a person would wish to become a slave and what types of slaves there are. Now we have the question of why a person would wish to become a Gorean slave? Why would they wish to add the trappings of a series of science fiction books to their lives? They don’t need to do that. This is quite true, they don’t need to and many, or even most who call themselves slaves do not do that. However, Gorean slaves have some things that many other slaveries lack; they have a common culture with others, an absoluteness that does not exist in some forms of voluntary slavery, especially BDSM based slavery, and Masters that are Masters all the time, not subs part of the time. The Gorean Masters generally have a much firmer control over their slaves and allow them much less latitude than other Masters do. Also, most Goreans are not into inflicting pain either to gain pleasure for themselves or their slaves. Pain is reserved for punishment and as a reminder in the slave’s training of how they are to behave. Most slaves I have talked with say that they are Gorean slaves because if feels right to them. The other types of slavery just felt wrong to them.
Once again, there are many reasons a person would wish to be a Gorean slave, almost as many are there are Gorean slaves. In the end, it all comes down to the fact that in becoming a Gorean slave they have found something they were lacking elsewhere. Something that satisfied a need within them. They feel right about how they are living and what they are doing. Because…they wish to do so.
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Total Power Exchange

An article I ran across I found to be very interesting..

The problems with the definition of abuse within an Absolute and Total Power Exchange commitment/relationship is very clear. Abuse is completely subjective. Everyone has different perceptions, principles and standards, as well as different needs, wants and kinks.

So, lets look at some commonly used definitions, and see how applicable and useful they might be in finding a standard definition of abuse in APE/TPE: .

Majority: A majority of people in the “vanilla” society around the world do consider everyone who is into BDSM or APE/TPE as either an abuser or abusee. Even the majority in the mainstream BDSM community, who are themselves considered abusers and abusee’s by the vanilla society, consider those who practice APE/TPE as abusers and abusee’s. Clearly the concept of “majority” cannot be used to define a standard of abuse in APE/TPE. .

Law: Many activities within BDSM or APE/TPE are illegal and against the law. Even slavery itself, consensual or not, is against the law. In some states sadomasochism is illegal, while in other states anal sex or even oral sex, is illegal and against the law. Clearly the concept of “law” cannot serve us to define a standard of abuse within APE/TPE. .

Health: Many would think that the concept of a healthy Dominant, submissive or even activity can be used as a standard. Unfortunately, “health” is again a most subjective term. A majority of healthcare professionals do consider those into BDSM or APE/TPE as unhealthy or mentally ill. In the very least Dominants and submissives both possess all the signs of “unhealthy” Co-Dependency. Clearly the concept of “health” cannot be applied in the definition of abuse in APE/TPE. .

Harm: What is considered harmful to some, is a need and desire to others. Even a simple bruise could be considered as harm. Not to mention a tattoo, a piercing, a branding or a stroke with a cane or flogger. Clearly harm is very subjective and cannot be used as a standard in defining abuse in APE/TPE. .

Inhumanity: For some extreme de-humanization is a most desired need. Others crave to be completely objectified or used as a pet, pony or pig. Human or Inhuman is also very subjective again. Clearly “inhumane” cannot be used as a standard for definition of abuse in APE/TPE. .

Sustainability: This is actually a pretty good concept. Any activity that can be repeated indefinitely without leading to death would be acceptable. Unfortunately, life itself is not sustainable. Even piercings, brandings etc. will eventually lead to dead if repeated too often. As every food becomes poisonous if eaten in excess, I believe every activity will eventually lead to dead. The concept of sustainability however would restrict the Masters absolute power, which of course would be in opposition to APE/TPE. Clearly, while “sustainability” is a pretty good attempt, it cannot be used as a standard to define abuse in APE/TPE. .

Safe: “Safety” is about as subjective as it gets. Safe for what, safe for whom, what in this world is really safe ? Without going much further here, clearly “safe” cannot be possibly be used as a standard to define abuse in APE/TPE. .

Sane: The King of subjectivity. What really is sane ? Who really is sane ? Are we all insane ? I am sane. You are not. It is impossible to even consider “sanity” as a definition of abuse in APE/TPE. .

Consent: Another very good concept, in which everything that is consensual would not be abuse. However, a slave consents completely, absolutely and unconditional when accepting a Masters collar. If applied to APE/TPE the concept of “consent” alone would negate even the slightest possibility of abuse. Clearly, if the concept of abuse is valid in APE/TPE, and I believe it is, then it cannot be defined with the concept of “consent” alone. .

Abuse: Clearly the most abused word in the English language. Without definition it is meaningless and absurd in its application to Absolute and Total Power Exchange. .

Our through the practice of Absolute and Total Power Exchange inherited inability to find a clear standard of definition of abuse in APE/TPE, of course, leaves us in a real dilemma. .

Who gets to define and set standards as to what is acceptable and what not ? Who gets to say my Kink is good and your Kink is bad ? Who has the right to impose and dictate their limits and regulations on all others ? Who gets to determine what’s right or wrong for everyone else? .

The simple truth is, it doesn’t mean a thing what you might think or say. It really means squat what even I think or say. And in APE/TPE it doesn’t even matter what a slave might think. Unless a definition of “abuse” in APE/TPE can be found and established as a standard which is applicable to everyone, it only matters what a slaves Master thinks or says. .

So, if we cannot find a clear definition standard applicable, acceptable and adoptable to everyone practicing Absolute and Total Power Exchange, by way of defining abuse, we must now look at what abuse is not: .

As we all should agree that a slave is her Masters property, and has no rights other then the privileges granted by her Master, and the slave consents, surrenders and submits completely, voluntary and unconditional when accepting her Masters collar, then a Master may do with his slave as he alone sees fit, according to his wants and needs, as well as his values, principles and beliefs. The Master has the final decision in all matters and issues within this power structure. Once a slave has accepted her Masters collar and consented to be his total and unconditional slave, no further consent is needed or required. .

In turn a Master is completely and absolutely responsible for his slave’s behavior, actions and deed, care and safety, health and wellbeing – physically and mentally, and ultimately her life in accordance with God’s Law, His Higher Self, or the Laws of Nature, Universal Laws, Human Laws, Spiritual Laws, you pick it… all according to a Masters values, believes, principles, character, etc. .

The forgoing conditions must be met for it to be a consensual APE/TPE slavery commitment. Any conditions, limits or restrictions imposed on the Master by the slave, would negate APE/TPE slavery. Period. Absolute and Total, mean just that. Absolute, Total and Unconditional. .

Derived from the forgoing conditions here is my general attempt of definition of “abuse” within an APE/TPE commitment as it could be applied to everyone: .

“”Abuse” is doing something to someone, else that you have no right to do, or having them do something to you that they have no right to, or to use or be used wrongly or improperly.” .

This is indeed a very fitting and useful definition of abuse, especially if applied to our Absolute Master and slave commitments/relationships such as APE/TPE. .

However, while the Masters rights grant him almost omnipotent powers and authority (as it should be) and they are almost self-explanatory, the proper, improper and wrong use of a slave puts us right back into the dilemma, as everyone has different perceptions of proper and improper use, as everyone has different values, needs, and kinks. .

Therefore, in all my years in this lifestyle, the only definition of abuse in APE/TPE, that I could conclude, which is applicable and should be acceptable to everyone is the definition of intent. .

If a Master continually does “harm” to his slaves in a way, that he did not intent to originally, such as it might be the case with alcohol or drug abuse, mental illness, or any other significant mental or emotional imbalance, this might indeed constitute “abuse”, even within an absolute relationship. The emphasis here must lay on the Masters intention, or “non intention” for that matter. .

This definition seems to me, to be the one and only definition of “abuse” in APE/TPE that can be accepted, adopted and even practiced, by everyone practicing Absolute and Total Power Exchange. .

Anyone wishing to use this article on their site or mailing list may do so as long as the article remains unchanged and my name and email address remain on them. Giving credit where it belongs. .




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On The G Spot

Interesting article by sex researcher Debby Herbenick, PhD.

When your job involves researching and teaching about sex, as mine at Indiana University and the Kinsey Institute does, there’s nothing strange about getting calls about the G spot.

But over the past week, these messages have taken a more urgent tone. Rather than asking the usual questions—Where is the G spot? What are the best sex positions for G-spot orgasms?—reporters have asked me to comment on a seemingly groundbreaking new study, out today in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, that purports to have “discovered” the infamous source of female sexual pleasure. As in, to have found an actual anatomical structure within a woman’s body. Continue Reading »


Masters Who Switch

Now I am not close minded in anyway shape or form , as a matter of fact I am probably one of the most open minded Dominant you will ever meet.

Let me say something real fast , someone complained to me because I did not speak about gays being in the lifestyle,  now to tell you the truth I do not know enough about there community to comment about them. I am very pro-gay, I have friends who are gay, even this little Chinese guy who has been chasing me for 2 years. My best friend is a lesbian who calls me pops. I have spent the night with her in the same bed, and I held her while she cried.  So Anti gay I am not…

Okay on to the topic , several months ago I met a master and slave at a BDSM  event, and we spent a couple of hours talking. Last week we met again at winn dixie, and he invited me over to there home for dinner, I accepted and I arrived at there home promptly at 8 pm.

The dinner was very pleasant his slave more so, her dress was more traditional, reminded me a little bit of an Amish wife. We retired to the patio, to talk more had a few drinks.

The door bell rang he excused himself , shortly after she left as well. So about 15 minutes go by I am wondering what the fuck. So me being me I am going to check things out, I walked passed two bedrooms, the bathroom and nothing, Okay, The garage , I was to the garage door and I open it and I am in shock, my jaw drops open, his slave looks at me and says are you going next, and she just turns her head and watch’s.

Now her master is know his knees sucking s dudes cock,  I’m standing there a little confused, trying to take in everything, and I am unable to process it. I turn shut the door, I grab a couple of padron 1926 cigars, very good cigar. and I leave.

Here is the thing , I know men who are bisexual who are in the lifestyle, but they are in the submissive role. To each there own you know. I do not think any less of a male being bi or gay we are all human..

What I fail to understand, maybe someone can help me out, because I am still unable to process it. How can you be a male master, who has a female slave collard , married too as well , as submit to another man , or even a female domme, and your slave still respect you as a dominant, a master, how can the slave not lose respect, or continue in a master and slave relationship…



The Submissive meets a new Dominant

So your meeting a new submissive, you may have met her on craigslist, maybe plenty of fish, I doubt Eharmony eh maybe possible. I think Eharmony blocked me.

I talk to a lot of submissives or slaves who were meeting a new dom, and hoping to start a relationship, there looking for the one.

Before meeting I would hope there would be hours and hours of chat, talking on the phone, and text.

As dominants in the lifestyle we are suppose to set the example, after all we are leaders right?

The dominant you are meeting has no right to make any type of demands, Okay I am guilty of this, in my 20’s and early 30’s . I want you to wear a skirt with no panties. Sounds familiar, yes it does.

Here is the thing to all you subs and slaves out there, until you agree to start any type of relationship, you are in charge, you are the captain of the ship. You tell the dominant where you want to meet, what time is good for you. You pick what your going to wear.

I would hope on the first meeting, it would be someplace very public, and safe. I would hope you would dress wisely, ie jeans a nice top, slacks , nice and presentable. You do not want to show up, showing your goods, one your hoping things work out two, do you want to look like an easy fuck. I doubt it, or hey who knows.

What you are trying to achieve here is starting a new relationship, during your first meeting, it is important that both lay out there ground rules, what both want out of the relationship, what each hopes to gain, there expectations , and there needs. It is very important to be upfront and truthful with the new dominant, I can tell you he will not forget anything you have told him. He has a court reporter in his head, and can be read back to at anytime, be truthful, that goes for both.

Many times a submissive or slave will meet the demands of the new dominant, yea short skirt, no panties, because they are craving acceptance so they are willing to put there self at risk.

So you have finished dinner, your walking out and the dominants says lets get a room, Flag. No respectable dominant will ask you of this. or your sitting in the car, hey suck my cock for me let me see how good you are. Another flag, again no respectable dominant will do this. Is he real not a chance, he is a man who goes through like thinking with his dick, he is a BDSM predator because he thinks submissives or slaves are weak.

Okay lets say you do get a room, lets say you suck his dick in the car at dennys , are you really surprised your phone does not ring ? Are you surprised he is not answering your text ? emails. Are you really surprised ?

Many times submissives give in even though they know it is wrong, or it is something they do not want to do, but to please and to show who they are, the head in the car start bobbing up and down. Just don’t be shocked if you do not hear from him again, he already got what he wanted

Safe Sane and Consensual.